- 8:30am Registration starts at Tobacco Road HD
- 10:40 Announcements for Charity and Instructions for Poker Run
- 11:00 Road Brief for the Pack
- 11:10 Mount up and Line up
- 11:15 Pack leaves Tobacco Road HD
- Pack will visit all Locations – Click Here to see Pack Schedule and Draw Table Hours
- 4:45pm Pack will arrive at Big Daddy’s Roadhouse
- 5:00pm last Draw Table closes at Big Daddy’s and the Poker Run is over.
- Staff will collect all Player Boards and determine the official results.
- 6:00pm Awards and Thank You
- Band gets started with the After Party!!!
A traditional Poker Run requires riders to travel from one location to the next and draw a card at each place. The staff records the cards drawn. Five cards make a Poker Hand. The best hand wins. See the section at the bottom of this page called “Terminology and Definitions”
An Open Ended Poker Run is a little different. There will be Five locations that have Draw Tables at each one. The Draw Tables will be open before the Pack arrives at each location and will remain open after the pack leaves. The Draw Tables will close when the staff has to leave and get to the final location where the winners will be announced. Click Here to see Pack Schedule and Draw Table Hours
Other things that are different about an Open Ended Poker run are:
- You do not have to be on a motorcycle to participate and win. Anyone can play by simply buying a Player Board and completing it by drawing cards from any draw table. You do not have to be present to win.
- You can Play and Win even if you only go to one location. All Player boards are eligible for the $500 prize. You do not have to be present to win.
- You can ride at your on pace and visit locations in any order. There is a schedule for when the Draw Tables open and close at each location. You can buy and Complete Player Boards at any one of them.
- You do not have to be at the final location to win. You do not have to be present to win.
- You can enter as many times as you like
Terminology and Definitions
Completed Hand – You Hand is complete when you draw the 5th and final card to complete a Player Board. You can start a hand at any location and you can complete a hand at any location. You can play as many times as you like.
Draw Table – This is a table set up at each location where you will find friendly Staff members that will record your draws on your player boards. When a Player Board is completed the staff at that location will “Score the Hand”. All completed Player Boards must be turned in to the staff at the location it was completed to a part of the contest.
Location High Hand – Each Location will be offering a prize for the highest hand COMPLETED at that location.
Player Board – Player Boards are the cards that record each Poker Hand. You can purchase as many Player Boards as you like. Player Boards are available from all locations.